I’ve been showing up for the Mildura region for 25 years in my business, my community and as a city councillor since 2019.
Showing up to refocus politics where it belongs – on caring for people and seeking to unite not divide.
My family have been in the Mallee for over 100 years, and I brought my kids back here 25 years ago to raise them in a strong, safe and vibrant community for which I have a passion. I’m an Arts & Cultural Engagement Consultant, a mum, a grandmother, a writer, a singer and a swimmer with a history of jumping on local committees including the councils of every school my kids attended.
I have links from the southern border to the top corner of our municipality and as current councillor and twice Deputy Major, I enjoy a reputation for showing up for my community which began way before I became a councillor – it’s part of my DNA.

I’ve contributed to our local economy by producing over 300 events in the region ranging from Perry Sandhills Concerts, Ouyen Raindance, the Mardi Gras Parade, Back Lane Festival (commissioning the first murals in the City Heart) along with Food, Wine, Writers, Jazz, Classic Music & Arts Festivals and National Conferences that brought significant economic benefits.
Over time I have employed locals in full time and part time positions and contractors across Australia and understand the challenges of running a business that presented events around the nation, including producing over 40 events for the Centenary of Canberra.
The business skills I bring to Council have been recognized widely with various accolades including Victorian State Regional Hero and twice a finalist in the Australian Event manager of the Year competing against major national event managers such as the Red Bull Air Race World Championship, the Australian Tennis Open and the Sydney Festival.

During my time as a councillor I shown up for the tough conversations and the hard decisions with debates and motions in an attempt to influence policy and address challenges we face – both now and into the future. This requires strategy, collaboration and research and involves working with other councillors, council staff and community to create change. These include:
- declaring a housing crisis that led to a region wide collaboration of industry leaders to address the issue with the establishment of the Housing Taskforce
- declaring a climate change emergency with outcomes including council show leadership by reducing emissions and establish a Community Advisory group
- addressing in inequities of access, recognition and services
- calling for improvements to community engagement to ensure authentic feedback on complex local issues and key strategic plans
- calling for Council to take a strong position on water security and river health.
- advocating to address our shocking family violence statistics attracting funding and important programs.
- lobbying for and supporting the establishment of a youth council

Over the past 5 years I have attended or chaired over 600 official meetings helping to shape the future of our region and making sure that all voices get heard and everyone is included. These meetings involve smart, passionate volunteers and council staff and, range across committees, working groups, advisory boards and observer roles including:
- Chair of the Mildura Cemetery Trust,
- Chair of the CBD Steering Committee
- Civic Pride Working Group
- Ministerial Advisory Committee for Gender Equity
- Ngiwa Yarna Aboriginal Advisory Committee
- Audit & Risk Committee
- Mildura Social Housing Taskforce
- Mildura City Heart Board
- Gender Equity Action Sunraysia
- Disability Access Advisory Committee
- Mildura Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
- Community Conversations in our small towns

I estimate I have accepted over 1000 invitations to attend events and community gatherings and to tell you the truth I have loved them all. From the Dot Jenkins Bowling Carnival where I saw a 90-year-old dance on a table to the fabulous Great Australian Vanilla Slice Triumph which began in my hometown of Ouyen and is now in Merbein, and the most recent Sunraysia Punjabi Association’s Teeyan festival for women where I frocked up in a gorgeous traditional outfit loaned to me by a generous community member.
There are so many highlights!

I’ve been showing up in all these ways and I want to continue by showing up for you.
As we transition to the new Ward system, I will show up for Henderson Park Ward to understand and address the issues important to you and as a former Councillor and twice Deputy Mayor, I will continue showing up for the broader needs of our vast municipality.
I will continue addressing things that matter to you including:
- cost of living challenges including rate reform at state level
- elevating the regional culturally and economically
- having equitable access to services
- ensuring the safety of all people especially women and children
- removing obstacles to progress
This moment in history demands more bold and principled leaders who are not afraid to stand firm in their values and who will refocus politics where it belongs—on caring for people and seeking to unite not divide.
I’m inviting you to get in touch to tell me what matters to you –